OSLO 2025

[ WATOC 2025: June 22–27, Oslo, Norway ]




[ Communications and Posters ]

We invite researchers from all areas of theoretical and computational chemistry to submit abstracts for communications and posters. See Congress Themes here. This is a unique opportunity to present your latest research to a global audience and to engage with experts and peers in the field. There are 150 slots for communications, all of which will be selected from the submitted abstracts by members of the Local Scientific Committee and the International Advisory Board.

To submit an abstract, prior registration for the congress is required. To be considered for a communication, the abstract submission must be completed by 1 March 2025.

The number of abstracts a participant can submit is limited to one.

Participants who are selected for communications will be informed by 16 May 2025. Invited speakers are not eligible for communications.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

To complete an abstract submission for WATOC, you first need to register for WATOC. You will be sent a personal link to the abstract submission system. Abstracts are written in plain text format and do not include any option to include figures or tables. Submissions should follow these requirements, as required by the abstract submission system.

Abstract title: Maximum of 10 words.

Abstract text: Maximum of 350 words, including references.

The abstract should have a simple structure with the main text as a single block. You may include a reference section, as illustrated by the example below.

Example Title
Physical and computational aspects of the geometric phase

Example Abstract
A geometric phase appears when the joint nuclear-electron wave function is factorized into an electronic and a nuclear part, with the former depending parametrically on the nuclear positions (1). The non-uniqueness of this factorization—a geometry-dependent phase factor can be included in the nuclear wave function as long as the opposite phase factor is included in the electronic wave function—gives rise to contributions that are important to track, for example, when the nuclei are treated as classical particles, effectively eliminating the nuclear wave function from explicit consideration. Although partly a gauge effect, the geometric phase has physical consequences near conical intersections (2,3) and for the velocity-dependent forces on nuclei in the presence of magnetic fields. In this work, we review theoretical and computational aspects of the geometric phase.


  1. Berry, M. V. Proc. Royal Soc. A. 1984, 392, 45.
  2. Longuet-Higgins, H. C., et al. Proc. Royal Soc. A. 1958, 244, 1
  3. Herzberg, G.; Longuet-Higgins, H. C. Discussions Faraday Soc. 1963, 35, 77.

Presentation Types

When submitting your abstract, you must select one of the following presentation types:

  • Oral Presentation - For participants wishing to give an oral presentation only and for invited speakers.
  • Oral Presentation, defaulting to poster - For participants who prefer an oral presentation but are willing to present the same work as a poster if not selected.
  • Poster Presentation - For participants who wish to present a poster.
  • Young WATOC oral presentation - For eligible participants applying for an oral presentation at Young WATOC.
  • Young WATOC oral presentation, default to poster - For eligible participants applying for an oral presentation at Young WATOC, but are willing to present the same work as a poster at the main conference if not selected.

Presentations at Young WATOC will be given only to participants who have defended their PhD thesis in 2020 or later.

Author and Affiliation Information

  • The name of the submitting author will be displayed as entered in the registration form.
  • Affiliations can be added for authors with multiple affiliations. For example, use the format "1,3" in the Affiliation field to associate an author with the first and third affiliations listed.
  • Co-authors can also be added, and the presenting author must be indicated by checking the corresponding box. The presenting author's name will be highlighted in the book of abstracts.

Congress Chair: Trygve Helgaker
Congress Secretary: Simen Reine

Local Scientific Committee
Trygve Helgaker (Chair)
David Balcells
Michele Cascella
Odile Eisenstein
Thomas Bondo Pedersen

Local Organization Committee
Simen Reine (Chair)
Abril Castro
Simen Kvaal
Ainara Nova
Erik Tellgren

Congress Organizers: Gyro Conferencewatoc@gyro.no