OSLO 2025

[ WATOC 2025: June 22–27, Oslo, Norway ]

[ Young WATOC: June 21 ]




[ Young WATOC ]

The organizing committee is proud to present Young WATOC, a special one-day pre-conference event taking place on Saturday, June 21, 2025, the day before the main congress. This event provides 18 young researchers who have defended their thesis in 2020 or later with the opportunity to deliver talks and showcase their work to a global audience of peers and experienced researchers.

Speakers will be selected by members of the Local Scientific Committee and the International Advisory Board based on submitted abstracts. Selected participants will be notified by May 1, 2025. Applications for a speaker slot at Young WATOC are made during the registration process for the congress.

There is no separate registration required for Young WATOC – the event is open to all registered participants of WATOC 2025.

Please note that Young WATOC does not include a poster session.

Participation in Young WATOC is free of charge, included as part of your WATOC 2025 registration. However, there is an optional Young WATOC Dinner, a barbeque in the Oslo forest on the evening of June 21, which costs 625 NOK.

Congress Chair: Trygve Helgaker
Congress Secretary: Simen Reine

Local Scientific Committee
Trygve Helgaker (Chair)
David Balcells
Michele Cascella
Odile Eisenstein
Thomas Bondo Pedersen

Local Organization Committee
Simen Reine (Chair)
Abril Castro
Simen Kvaal
Ainara Nova
Erik Tellgren

Congress Organizers: Gyro Conferencewatoc@gyro.no